Met mondre for some shopping on the weekends.
We went to town mainly cause i wanted to get my perfume so badly.
But i can't find it anywhere...
I'm looking for pink sugar from aquolina!!
Apparently, it's like super popular in the states,
always managed to be in the ranks of the most popular scents.
But idk why i can't find it in singapore :'(
Should i order it even if i didn't smell it before?
It's kinda stupid right! Like what if i didn't like the smell? :'(
Hmm, shall decide that later haha
Stupid girl~~
You know how much i have to go through before i got this photo??
Okay, i will love it alot haha

But i have to get this!!
It's the loreal infallible eye shadow.
It's like a cream eyeshadow and the pigmentation is amazing.
It glides on the lids smoothly~
Really love it! and it's only retailing for $14.90
And guardian is having a 20% on all loreal products so, i got this at around $12!!
Score~ ^.^

Super pretty neutral colour.
However, not all guardian outlets have a loreal counter.
And some outlets ran oos of this colour.
Sahara treasure is the most popular i guess~

Watch this video for more info and swatches~ ^^
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