ps/ i wrote a whole lot of things at the bottom read it.



Christmas tree ^^

Joy ^^

Me!! ^^
I made this, so cool right! :)
Yay!! I just finished updating, and it's 2.30 now watch one piece and i will go and sleep soon.
Reached home at around 12.20 and the house was empty because my whole family was still outside and i heard some alien noises?I was freaked out.
I told joy about it and guess what my 9 going 10 years friend did?
Call my house and pranked me, with her stupid ghostly voice.
Of course the clever me hang the phone after hearing the "hello~" but she keeps on calling and obviously i kept rejecting her calls.
The best thing is that i was talking to her on msn and telling her about the unknown idk person or what calling me and it was afterwards when i look at the number and find it familiar and ask her whose number was that then she told me that it was her. Urgh joy, i will have my revenge soon.
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