I can't wait to post this!!! This post was supposed to be posted by yesterday but there's so many photos
alr, i thought it would be a little boring, so yeah. Now, let me bring you guys back to the year 2000. When i was in k2, The only thing i remember is the graduation concert cause i have the poster.
The poster

And i am very happy cause some of my k2 friend is still my close friends. And we ended up in the same school, class and
cca. and it's too much of a coincidence, They are with me for 9 years, out of the 14 years i have lived. I know it's very cool. Joy went to the same primary school as me and we both have the same
cca(volleyball) and then
dsa-ed to
ngeeann. While
sara was in
eliaspark, sh also have volleyball as
cca, and she
transfer to
ngeeann using volleyball. And then joy was posted in the same class as me.
Hahah!! And
sara is in the
na stream. And there's another person in the picture who is in
ngeeann now. The guy behind me. He's in
idk what class. But i remembered him cause he's my partner, but i
doubt he will remember me :(
My k2 class dance picture.
Joy, Me, Sara.

Hahahah!!! I love them
alotalot. My longest friend
everrrrr. I just watched wildchild and it's very nice!! :D and i just watched b&b it's super nicee. I love movies:D
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