
Freaking longg!

Don't only look at the hat lah, notice my fbt!

I got a memory of a goldfish! We are suppose to go to Vivien's house but me and Celestine forgot which story(as i went to take eggs cause apparently her daddy's house don't have eggs) then my guess is 6 while Celestine's 10. So we went to the 6 floor first, but it was wrong, as both of us was outside when we rushed back to the lift. it was closing then i got super scared( don't know for what reason) i put my hand in between and the door opened. it's not painful like just a knock. Then when we reached, Celestine told this incident to Vivien and Fiona, then when we are leaving(after baking) The incident sort of happen again, i went to press for the lift and when it reached, Celestine is still wearing her shoe, and when the lift is closing, Fiona told me to put my hand in to show her. I thought no harm cause it's not pain. But this time the stupid lift just like slammed the door close lor, and my hand is like stucked! Panicked i shouted for Fiona but she's there laughing and asking Vivien and Celestine to come and see, then I'm there trying my best to open the door, the outside open, bu the inside is like super tight lor! like as if my hand is going to be chopped off, and I'm there jumping, screaming my head off while Fiona is laughing-.- But i got saved my her lah, cause she pressed the button then the lift open his stupid mouth, i think the lift knows that i always play with the door(i only play like 2 times) then punish mee :'(
Liyeng is baking cookies!!:D I'm so happy today! My results are what i expected and I'm rather satisfied with it.
Chinese:56.5/70 (i hate belle!)
But the one i worry is math and science, so enjoy life:D Will go ice skating tomorrow, hahah, excited! And Will be baking donuts later on! I want a hamster! I've got 30plus last time-.- now none, I find hamster very adorable but I'm super scared when they die, their body turn cold and like they will cuddle in like a ball? I Don't even dare to touch them please! and then all the other hamster will eat them cause my father don't want to throw them away, he want me to take responsible. But i don't dare! and it will like decompose there? But before it really like decompose, my maid will throw it away lah, and i don't want such things to happen! D: But i really like hamster! so maybe I'll get one, not two. If it dies, no other hamsters will eat it, Hamsters are weird, i got give them hamster food, sometimes, carrot/cabbage but they like to eat hamsters! like they will eat dead hamsters when one die, and never eat my food, I don't torture them, i got give food lor! But i just don't understand why they eat dead hamsters! D:
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