-this post gonna be full of rubbish.
-if you cant take rubbish, then better dont see.
-if you dont want to waste time then dont see.
-and dont blame me for not warning you:D

okay, the girl with orange top is jane's adorable sister:D while the boy with blue tee is jane's cousin. they are cutee.
and i just noticd that most of my pictures are taken in the bus-.-
went to suntec yesterday with the whole class for some blah thing. i swear its fun!and only my class have the privilage to go can!
hah, we went for the school meet i think? then the great mdm lim. allow us to like roam around ourself. then me, jillian, mondre,jocelyn decided to like get out of there to walk around and get food. but obviously we must do that behind mdm lim's back. while going down the escalator. we saw authur, james, yanyang, blah. hello?, they are like those super guai ones. and they were like ahead of us? which make us like we are guai-er then them?-.- hah, then when we reached the ground floor we saw half of the class flocking at the escalator. i dont know that my class is so like this until yesterday. and mondre was like so happy cause the class is not as guai as she expect.
hah, funny la:D we went to carefour for sushi and i ate 7? wow, cool. its the small one la-.-
then we went to like walkwalk. went to starbucks and yeah, took pictures:D
and we were like trying to like the NAS word on the volleyball. then there was this uncle.
he's sitting right in front of me, and i am the one who took the pictures. so im like trying to take the nas word and with all 4 person in the picture. this uncle thought i have difficulty taking picture cause i took around 5 and only one passed. then this uncle went to like 'uh, come i help you take.' then i have no choice but to give him my phone and he took the picture but still okay la:D then yonghao and gang sitting there laughing their heads off-.- and yh shouted'chikopeh! uncle. and blahblah' cause he thought the uncle was like malay? cause he's black but he's not la.
hah. the uncle turned to like stare at him then yeah. nothing happend-.-
okay aiyah my hand pain le, byee people. friday, jiayou people!<3
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