yoyoyoz, im high:D
dont know why also.
haha, today is the last day of school. how saddening.
and i just found out that im able to squeeze into the windows, actually everyone except those over weight people can-.-
today is fun! school was fun and after school comes more fun:] which equals to fun+fun+fun :)))
went to ts to play pool and bowling with about 1\3 of the class plus some-other-randoms.
actually it was only a pathetic 5 people but later, more join.
played two sets of bowling then half a set of pool cause i dont really dont know how to pool. haha, saw adha or whoever he is haha, there was this guy. like tico can! dont wish to talk about him alreadly.
and we were there for about like 4 hours can!:D
i swear i love that place.
but i dont really love the bowling balls.
make me lose face one. haha, shall post the video someother time. very gaosiao:D
andand, mondre actually fall down, not my fault, its the ball's fault cause the ball pulled mondre.
i'll explain...
1, mondre takes ball aming.
2. then when she wanted release the ball, the ball was stuck to her hand.
3.the ball's force was too big, she fell down.
haha, i crap alot. i'll picture explain things
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