Volleyball camp from 3d2n became 2d1n and i brought things that can last me i say about 5d4n??? Oh well, and thanks Jillian for the plasters i love the Cinderella one! :) I realise that even though Jillian is not my Santa for this and the previous year, she gave me presents! :) I think it was coincidence but anyways, i love jillian! <3 And thanks sweekee for the jacket!! :) Should i cut my hair?? :(
Present time! :) Joy Carolyn (???) Big family! ^^ Even bigger family! ^^ Shen ji tuan.. vb 07' Guess who? (weirdo 1) weirdo 2
Friday, November 20, 2009
Yes!!!!!! Good news!!! :) SS501 won k chart again!! :) Yes!!!
Wondering why I'm back? I escape from the camp not. Camp is kinda screwed but it's after yesterday that i found out that my bed is actually comfy and soft. I'm a little homesick or you can also call it computer sick. I feel weird not using the computer for a day(includes those days with test) that's explain my good results.
Anyways, I need to dl pplive and watch my show now! Ciaos, See you tomorrow at open house! ^^
Gonna post camp picx tomorrow.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
To tell you the truth, actually when i first saw this song, i hated it because many liked it and gave good comments and I'm afraid that it will affect ss501 from getting first place.
But after listening to it like a week ago, i fell in love with the song. It is meaningful like a song indirectly for jay. I feel damn bad and kept thinking if i should blog it because i am suppose support ss501. But, i like 2pm too! :( And I can't really recognize nickhun now, he changed from the cute to the cool. But heartbeat keeps playing in my mind.
Ps/ I think heartbeat reminds me of again and again during the rap part at the starting :)
Love Like This
Now it's time for love like this, They just got their first place after 3 weeks and i hate to admit but that will probably be their only first place because all the first placing would go to 2pm :( Yes i like 2pm but i like ss501 more!! :( But I'm just a stupid fan girl and can't do anything i wish i can vote but i don't understand korean. Ugrh!
Enough of kpop, i am going to bed now. Ciaos. See you all in 3 days time :)
Camp tomorrow. It's 1.15 now and I'm still awake.
Tomorrow we're going to start off our camp by going to dunman to support our juniors. the next day, we have training and to end things we have open house on sat. Our camp is so fun and cool!!!! Yes, I'm being sarcastic.
I want to play games!!!!!!!! :( and one of the few things I'm looking forward to is the secret santa. Hahahha!!!! Jillian will be so shocked that i'm her santa. I'm damn nice lah!! I got her 2 bags and i love the backpack one :( I want it for myself :( Ok, she will not see this will she? :) I don't think so :) Teehee.
Monday, November 16, 2009
It's just a stupid game. Why so worked up about it? Listening to this now
Ok, whatever. it's just spoiling my mood. I should just go and watch my dramas now. It's Monday.
Before i go, some pictures. (random order)
Lave cake, i like ^^
Just woke up and listening to kpop and cooking pasta. I like, But i have to go back soon because of training -.-
Yusita's house :)
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Match tomorrow, Lose and we're out. Overdue pictures..
In a "blazer" with a cool logo. Cheryl! :) Went to work today and i earned 22.50 but spend around 10 so only earned 12.50 and it's so tiring. Celestine's leg is full of blisters and i feel so bad because it's partly my fault, Sorry Celestine! :( And i can't seem to find anything for my ______. Hmm, Because of Celestine, I am so excited for the camp ^^ I must remember to bring my hp charger and cam charger!!!
Ok, i am going to maple/watch my drama alr. Ciaos, Going shopping with celest tomorrow again ^^
Friday, November 13, 2009
Training is tough today.. I can't seem to concentrate and i feel like fainting at times. Maybe it's the contacts. Sigh, Anyways we played the Santa game this year also! I am so excited now. I can't wait for tomorrow. Teehee, and i want to cut my hair :( Hopes that it will stop the serious hair loss problem that I'm having.
And during training, i hurt my knee, and whenever i bend it feels weird. I need to go to the doctor's but i am damn scared!!!!! What if i have to amputate my leg or something. And my knee is weird since primary school, when ever i move it will have this cracking feeling.. Ok i must stop scaring myself.
And Cyworld closed down :( I am so sad.... Cyworld as in the us one. Not the korea one.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Just came back from tuition and going to minds cafe later. Hhahaa, and because of maple, i haven't watched momolove and sweetheart. Ok, no time to blog. Bye, till next time! :)
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Went out with mondre yesterday. Mondre!!! I want 2 go :(:(:(;(:( Pls, no training on that day.. Urgh. Ok anyways, i didn't buy alot and only brought 1 drink which cost 50 dollars. (Joke) Going out with mummy later. Yeah!!
I want to go to seoul out!! :( But it's on a saturday :( Bye ft, beg, tmax....
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
I burn myself with my hair straighter at 200 degrees... Hope that it will not leave a scar, the skin is like peeling and it's so painful :(
I don't know how to do amath :( Ok, bleach or maple? Hmm, ok i think i should be bleaching before mapling. Yay!!! Pinkbra gogogo!!
Ps/ anyone want to play maple? ^^
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Pink ranger transform!!! FROM THIS........
To this. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .For those slower people, i cut my fringe. (LIKE FINALLY) I don't know if i should by happy or upset.